• My Poems

    I lost you and found me

    I lost you,
    And found me
    At crossroads of uncertain
    On point of agony

    Droplets of darkness
    Through me
    Shades of sadness
    Come cover me
    Sorrow that runs deep

    The ugly inside her
    Was growing
    Spreading with haste
    (Chosen to suffer,
    Chosen to wither)
    How dare they call it fate?

    I lost you,
    And found me
    Clutching the memory
    Of your hand
    You said:
    Smile when you see me,
    I need to hold your joy,
    My journey is almost over,
    My time
    Runs out of sand
    And when you leave;
    Please look back
    My life left me
    My world turned to empty
    My soul
    Started to crack

    Dear God; I asked:
    Trade her for me
    Her candle went
    Before the glow
    I thought I heard
    Soft whisper in the air:
    Fear not for she is with me,
    Soon you will see her
    At your turn; up there.
    A Yes and a No,
    A Yes and a No,
    A Yes and a No!

    I lost you
    And found me
    At crossroads of uncertain
    On point of agony

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